Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I had my class 2 patient again today. I really felt good about getting the LL done because one of the TA's was with me last time while I worked on the LR. She really helped me feel the calculus and made sure that I got it all off. Turns out that I missed a few spots on the LL also. I think I really need to use my explorer like crazy. I kept thinking it was smooth, but the instructor would get in there and go even more subgingivally then I thought possible and find some. I need to make sure I'm using my probe depths while I scale so I know how deep the pockets are. I didn't accomplish my goal for PE's today. I wanted to get my second anterior and univeral PE done. I only finished the ultrasonic PE. When using the universal and anterior instruments I need to adapt alot more Make sure that the terminal shank is not exactly parallel to the tooth because then it will cut the gums. I need to focus on keeping it 70-80 degree angle. I think i learned alot today and hope that today will help me with my next patients and finding calculus. My goal is to keep giving 100% I also think its a good idea on 1b patients to just use the instruments on atleast half and not the ultrasonic so that I know if I can really do it with just the scaling instruments. I find when I'm running out of time I just want to use the ultrasonic and hope that it gets it all. I think I learned alot from today and think overall I have improved with detecting calculus. We will see next time:)

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