Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Today I saw my class two patient and it was actually quite difficult to scale. I thought I had done a really good job and turns out I had missed quite a few spots. Maybe I should start first year again. ha ha Totally kidding!!! I need to remember to completely scale the lingual and buccal surfaces. I have my backup board patient coming next. I will have to get use to doing RPSC on more then one patient each day. I feel that I have improved a ton this year and I'm just praying that I pass the rest of boards! Please give us our scores!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Today I finished all of the requirements for my last semester!!! I was a little worried about finding a class 4, because my patient didn't show up for the last two appointments. I was surprised to see her come in, because I couldn't even leave a message on her phone. Everything worked out great! We are still waiting for our exam results which makes me kinda mad because we completed all of our boards so early. They said they were waiting for the results for the process of care. This is a pain because we took this back in February. I have my patient coming in that was a class three last semester. I think it will be fun to see the results and to keep her on a maintenance cleaning. I hope we all get our results soon and we can be stress free. At least with school, then the job search stress begins:)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I'm waiting for my patient to show up this morning. I have had the worste luck with patients not showing or showing up late this semester. I always confirm too! I guess it is just a good way to keep me stressed until the last day of clinic. I have a patient coming in today that has never had a cleaning and another patient that has not been in for years. I hope that I can get a lot accomplished today and maybe even get my last two quads of a class 4:) We are suppose to get our results for our clinical board this week. I hope that I'm happy with the results. I hate that they make us wait for so long. It has made me so anxious the past couple of weeks! Well I think my patient just got here. Bye for now:)

Friday, March 25, 2011


My class four finally showed up!!! I have had the worste luck with getting my class fours to show up. I had a patient that had never had a cleaning. I schedule him twice and he was a no show both times. Then I screened a woman that was a class four and I believe she was nervous so she did not show for two scheduled appointments. I found a patient that had not been in for ten years going in for extractions and she just cancelled on me last night. The sad thing was that I confirmed with each patient the night before. I think these patients are just very nervous. As hygienist we need to offer nitrous, anesthesia, and make them the most comfortable. So now I just have two quads of a class four to go! My patient this afternoon was a class 5, but she has 11 mm pockets in localized areas with suppuration. I'm going to try to talk the instructor into a class 4. We will see:)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Boards are finally over!!! Or atleast I hope so. I felt pretty confident about the clinical boards, but then I start to second guess myself. I could not get my patient numb up front. When I practiced on him I also had this problem. The hygienist told me to just use half a carp. this still did not numb him fully. I completed my last 1A today and then this afternoon I get to clean my class four patient. I hope everything goes smoothly this afternoon. I screened this patient earlier in the year and she had very mobile teeth with severe calculus. I'm scared that when I scale the teeth will become even more loose and fall out! Lets hope not. Overall, it was a complete relief to get done with boards:) Now the job search stress begins!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Today was so crazy, but I do feel a little better about the boards. I found a back up board patient that will most likely qualify if I need her. Also, I practiced injections on Megan. Hopefully all of my hardwork throughout these last two years has paid off. I have a lot of patients that want to get in for recall and I still need four quads of a class four and one more little kid. I think I will be able to get some in after boards, so hopefully that all works out. I present at the table clinic at UDA this week. It is going to be a stressful week! Wish me luck!!!!!!:)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Just took the mockboard LA and did not do so great. I thought I would do ok, but I just got scared and I know for the real boards I will be 10 times more scared. When giving the PSA I need to remember if I get bone contact to move more distally. I was moving more distally, but not enough. Also, my rate of injection needs to be a little faster. For the IA I need to make sure that I'm atleast two thirds of the way of the needle. Mainly, I need to make sure that I do not touch my card as I'm recapping. Wow thats a lot to remember:) Hopefully I can work on all of these things and be prepared enough to pass the boards. Wish me luck, I will need it.:)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Today was pretty crazy!! I think by the end of this semester I will have ulcers. My board patient was thirty five minutes late today because his appointment was so early (eight). I'm a little worried because I have him coming in at seven a.m. on my boards day. I found another patient that qualifies for boards today and I'm giving her to Megan. I think I have a back up patient that will work. However, I need to make sure that she has enough clicks and get some retakes on her. I'm also stressing out because I have only done one quad of a class 4. I need to find more quads pretty soon!!! My schedule is filling up quick so I hope that the VA will help me out too. I'm just so stressed this semester just hoping everything works out for boards:)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today was another mockboard day and I passed.:) I have been happy with my last two mockboard experiences so hopefully that means I have improved and will do good on the real board. I have this patient coming in as a back up on boards day. Also, I have my board patient coming in next week to see how easy the deposit comes off. Hopefully, it comes off pretty easy because he seems like a great patient to have. I definitly need to work on my x-rays. They are my weakness. I have to retake x-rays on a couple patients.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Wow clinic has been stressing me out lately. My patient cancelled yesterday last minute so I found another patient. He was a 1B. My schedule has line throughout the whole thing because I have had so many cancellations. I'm really stressed now, I need 8 quads of a 4, and I need to find a board patient soon. I will be doing screenings on friday so I hope I have some luck. I think everyone has found a board patient except me!!! It was nice and relaxing this morning to have a 1 B patient. My next patient has never had a cleaning so I'm hoping for a class four or boards:) I take my process of care tomorrow so I just need some serious luck:)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I had pretty good luck this morning. My patient didn't show this morning so I called her and she said she couldn't make it because of the blizzard. I went to go find names and a patient that wanted a cleaning walked in!!! Got to love those days! He was a class 2 and 3 so it worked out pretty well for me. My patient this afternoon was also a class 2. I'm getting quite a bit of class 2's and have to be optimistic and look at it as preparing me for the boards. I still have not found a board patient and I'm worried to use the one I found at work because of health issues. Also, I have not cleaned any class four patients. I found one at the screening last week and hope that she will work. My patient today had severe bleeding and tenacious calculus. I need to work on sharpening my instruments more frequently. Also, with bleeding it helped to leave the suction in her mouth in order to save some time. I also gave 8 injections:) I need to remember to look at what anesthetic I will be distributing! Overall, it was a pretty good day, I just hope I can find a board patient soon!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I'm waiting for my mockboard to be checked and I think I'm going to have ulcers by the time she get here. I'm not very sure about my scaling today. She had some five and six millimeter pockets and they were very hard to access. I gave her a few shots PSA, MSA, ASA, and Incisive. I'm feeling better about giving those shots. I used the ultrasonic, graceys, perio files, and universal instruments everywhere and I'm hoping that it pays off. I'm so tired after doing that and feel bad for my patient that had to have her mouth open for two full hours to complete 1 quad. I will be so anxious when I have to scale on my real board patient. I hope that I can find one pretty soon here! Wish me luck!!! I need it!!!:)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today was a very interesting and busy day!!! I always feel so busy when I do x-rays especially when its a full mouth. I need to learn on becoming more proficient and time efficient on x-rays. My patient had difficulty closing all of the way and my positioning was off on alot of them. I need to make sure I'm taking the time I need to get the correct angles. I had a problem with not getting back on the molars all of the way:( that always happens to me. Also, on bitewings she could not bite down all the way so I had to use a cotton roll which resulted in an open bite. My dad was my patient this afternoon. He always pulls through when I have a cancellation.:) Gotta love family! I feel a lot more confident and time efficient with my class 5 patients. I had Lisa come in to practice anesthetic on her. Some things I want to remember are to keep the angles on my PSA. On the right PSA I was not at 45 degrees to the floor. The IA's worked out pretty well. Remember to stay over the premolars when giving an inferior alveolar.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Today was a pretty easy morning I got another class 5 suprise suprise:) He had a tooth pulled up front so it threw me off for a second. Afterwards, when I looked at the bone I could tell where it had been. He really enjoyed weber state and the time that we spent! I'm very stressed right now, I'm waiting for my national board application to be accepted so I can get a time at Pearson View. I'm hoping that I can sign up for WREB today. Pretty pricey test!!! I hope my mockboard patient shows up this afternoon for x-rays. She said she doesn't have enough money so I told her I would be willing to help her out! It seems that everyone is getting class 3 and class 4 patients and I'm just getting class 5 and 1B. I know that I need to improve my instrumenting skills on harder classifications so I hope I can find some soon!!! I think I'm going to have ulcers.:) Wish me luck

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


We are back in school for the last semester at WSU ever! Yeah!!! Today we didn't start with patient cleanings until 9:00 a.m. So I took it pretty easy this morning. I had my sister come in that is really healthy. It was nice having her in just so that the morning could go smoothly with trying to remember everything. This afternoon is going to be a little harder. I have a class three coming in and I would like to finish all three quads. She wants to get numb so I'm going to use Mepivicaine without epi on the LR so by the time we get ready to do the other quads it will wear off. I really want to perfect my skills so that I'm ready when boards get here! I'm going to work my hardest so that I can finish out the year great:)