Monday, March 29, 2010


Wow! I forgot how tired I got after a full day at clinic! I was CA this morning and everything went pretty well. Checking in and out can get pretty hectic, especially when you are on your own! Overall, my day as CA went pretty well. I almost finished my goal for the day. I finished two quads of a class three and one quads of a class 2. My back is hurting me so that is telling me that I really need to work on my posture. Luckily, my patient is willing to come back for a third time. I finished the ultrasonic, universal and area specific PE's today! I think it will be a good idea for her to come back so that we can evaluate her tissues and make sure everything is healing up right. Then I just have to finish up one more quad. I felt like I was all over her mouth while I was instrumenting. I want to come up with a pattern so that I can be quicker and more efficient. Overall, today went good and I think I accomplished quite a bit!:)

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