Thursday, November 11, 2010


This morning went smoothly, that is probably because I only had a patient with the classification of 1B and the OD was done:) She did have a lingual bar with sheets of calculus under, so that was a good experience to clean. It had been two years since she had a cleaning so she had moderate calculus, but no pocketing. The lingual bar was difficult for me to get right under. I found that the ultrasonic worked best right along the bar. I also passed off the caries risk assesment PE. I'm very glad to have that PE out of the way! My patient had low buffering so I recommended that she just use prevident 5000. My patient this afternoon is the patient I had my first day of clinic. He is a class three and was Megans mockboard patient. He has very tenacious calculus and lots of it. Wish me luck! :)

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